Very thoughtful and all great suggestions. The social structure when the constitution was written was very different. Lawyers were trained to uphold the law and live by principles of widely known and understood codes of ethics and dignity. The country has now been infected by private equity zealots whose only goal is financial power regardless of who gets hurt. Do you think Musk or Thomas (Clarence) or Juliani live by a code of ethics, dignity or the other characteristics of the founding fathers? They use the term hostile takeover for a reason.

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Agreed. Lawyers are still taught to follow the law and behave ethically - some (too many) just ignore it.

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I agree with most of what you say, but I disagree that a college education, though not required, would be preferable. We have seen plenty of evidence that a college degree is no guarantee of either intelligence or character, and why should those who ply a trade have to meet a higher standard of intelligence than those with college degrees?

I do think everyone should be educated in Civics, which most are not these days. The requirement for at least some understanding of how our government functions should be required of all citizens, but especially those running for office.

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