A very calm Rant, Fay.

We have to be carefully taught, indeed. Hate is not a family value.

Thank you.

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Thanks. Ally, for your thoughtful comment

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Sep 7Liked by Fay Reid

Superstitions seem to be a first line of defense for some folks. Emotions and beliefs are certainly contagious.

In your marvelous complexity Fay, it’s obvious the lessons didn’t take.

Now isn’t that a wonder?

Thank you for another thought provoking rant. 💫

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Thank you for your understanding, Mama

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A wonderful post, Fay.

Regarding this: "We’ve already passed the tipping point the best we can hope for is mitigation.", may I "brighten" your thoughts by recommending the book "Brighter: Optimism, Progress, and the Future of Environmentalism" by Adam Dorr, Director of Research for the thinktank, RethinkX; or you might preview the book by watching his YouTube series, Brighter. RethinkX in their books lays out the evidence that we are in various stages of four technological/economic "Disruptions", all ultimately good for both humanity and for the Earth. (The X in RethinkX stands for crossed logistic ("S") curves: the rising curve for a new technology/practice rising from nothing to total dominance and the falling curve for the disrupted technology/practice falling into essential bankruptcy/disuse. Three previous examples are horse transportation disrupted by the automobile (which aggravated the carb emission problem but solved the horse manure problem), film photography disrupted by digital photography, and Gutenberg's printing with movable type which disrupted manuscript production by scribes. (I think this last one makes the most appropriate boundary between the medieval and the modern world.) Nowadays, Disruptions take about two decades to complete. The four current ones that RethinkX writes or broadcasts about are Energy, Transportation, Food, and Labor. (Because owners of incumbent industries will resist falling into bankruptcy, they will employ non-free-market means such as bribing politicians to tilt the field, so political action to combat this will be necessary. Also, Disruptions will inevitably disrupt individual lives, so government action will be necessary to ease the transitions.)

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Thank you, Don for this information. I do try to keep up with new findings and rethinking. The problem, as I see it are the millions of people who don't understand science as well as you, I, and Bill McKibben. If they think there is good cause for immediate action (they don't like the heat and floods) they might be more likely to vote for Kamala than trump. I do believe from what I've read so far, that while we can't prevent what has already happened, we can mitigate the results, so they are less damaging. Of course if trump regains the White House all bes are off.

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funny. I also think of the song from south pacific when hate is talked. indeed you are taught. i was taught the consequences of hatred by first hand observations (not my parents); and so I hate those who propagate speech or favor laws to hurt others. I suppose i shouldn't because they are small people who never felt love, I suppose. But how these people get elected to do harm is alarming.

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Sep 9Liked by Fay Reid

Well stated! I am superstitious of orange faced liars!!

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Me too, But I'm also disgusted by him and his followers

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People teach by example. Some by what we should do, and others by what we should not do. I have had both kinds in my life! But I'm so happy you are here as a voice of wisdom, Fay :)

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How kind of you, Neil.

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I am angry. And what drives that anger is the concept at the end of your rant.

Humans are capable of such complexities as putting computing systems in tiny objects that literally access most of the world's information with a tap and a tap. We can cure diseases that didn't have names a few years ago. We can send people into space and bring them back alive (when the Oligarch gets around to it). We all agree that this is amazing progress.

And yet, we can't agree that our own home is burning up and drowning. We all know there is no Planet B to escape to. And yet we treat our home as if it were a landfill, a dump...a cesspool.

We allow the MAGATS to suck the oxygen out of our day - every day. I HATE that they have created such a distraction from what should obviously be the most important conversation for every human being. I hate that we are not putting trillions of dollars into green energy and the inevitable mitigation required.

Our grandchildren and their kids will need all the help they can get as they abandon coastal cities and towns. They will absorb millions of refugees fleeing rising waters and food deserts. I HATE that the MAGATS are so selfish and petty that they value their personal power over the gazillions of organisms destined for oblivion.

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It seems like such a no brainer, right ? Here is the problem, these are the possible solutions 🤷🏼‍♀️😡Just read an article that talks about while most US residents are concerned about climate change.. they are most unaware of their part

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I was lucky that I grew up in a family that believed in tolerance and love, EXCEPT in the case of injustice or discrimination. I don´t understand hating a person because he looks different or worships in another way. But we have to hope that we can turn the unbalance of the world around. That´s why I just glance at the horrific headlines and look for positive signs of earth´s future. I always say that everyone needs a clean, safe, place to raise their family and food to put on the table. It doesn´t take a math genius to understand that taking a wee bit of what the greedy people have away could accomplish that.

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