Fay E.A. Reid
First, full disclosure. I started life as an Anglican (Episcopalian in the United States) but as I tended to be a very curious child, I questioned everything. So, in the early 1960’s I joined the UnitarianpUniversalist Society. They seemed to me at the time to be more logical. But I soon discovered it all depended on who their preacher was. By this time I had enrolled in College and by my third year in attendance had settled on a double major in Biology and Chemistry. During these three years, I became, first an agnostic then an atheist - now a non-theist (no god). In my journey I studied all the major world religions, but especially ‘Christianity’ and the King James version of the Bible. Along with all the interpretations according to various people of what their ‘god’ really stood for according to different people.
To Hebrews, in the Torah, Yahweh, Jehovah. God, by whichever name was first a male, always with ‘magical’ powers who loved, demanded, punished, rewarded, according to the whims of the worshipper. There were many different ‘prophets’. Men who foretold the future. There was also the “hope” of a messiah (messenger of god)
Who would descend to Earth and rescue the Hebrews (Jews, Judea) from the ongoing iniquities visited upon them.
After a few thousand years, Jesus of Nazareth came along. He may or may not have been an historical person (much like the legendary King Arthur of England). That doesn’t matter, I think whether Jesus, like Arthur, is a composite of many different men is irrelevant, the words credited to him are of great importance. What he preached was kindness, caring, responsibility, acceptance, generosity, honesty, integrity. All excellent traits that are rarely found, but traits most of us should strive to accomplish. At least, if we want to be regarded as decent or good human beings.
What I found in my studies was that within 100 years of the death of all the truly great religious philosophers (Jesus, Mohammed, Confuscious, Buddha,Lao Tze, and others) their advice (preachings, teachings) had been replaced with the usual venalities - greed, disinterest, cruelty, etc.
Paul, who had never met or heard Jesus speak, was the first of many to twist Jesus’ words. For some reason, Paul did not like and distrusted women. He was the one who insisted priests had to be chaste bachelors. Since Paul had a reputation as a womanizer in his ‘pre-Christian’ years leads me to wonder if he caught an STD or was jilted, doesn’t really matter.
Centuries later came the two Johns Calvin and Knox. Where Jesus despised greed and the accumulation of wealth. He is mentioned in parables and text as in his attack on the money changers and the rich man who wished to enter heaven. John Calvin and John Knox preached that god loves the wealthy people or else they wouldn’t be wealthy. WOW!!! The rich merchant class and aristocracy jumped on the Calvin Knox bandwagon. And so have the so-called ‘Christian Nationalists”. They should be called the ‘Calvinist Nationalists’
There are very, very few Christians in this world today. Mother Theresa, Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter are the only ones that come to mind, though there must be others.
I have yet to meet an Evangelical who equates with Christianity. To me, the word Christian is like Communism, Christianity is a rarity, no matter what they call themselves, bloody few follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. People may call themselves comrades or Communists. They are really authoritarians - and true communism existed only briefly in Hippy Communes.
I like Lao Tsu. But it is difficult to remain so calm and to be doing without doing. I have a bedside paperback of the Tao - a translation by Steven Mitchell. It is about 40 years old. Yellowing pages that I turn to when I find myself in high anxiety with the desire to kill.
I am an old wannabe hippy peacenick sort of person. But of late, I find myself with clenched fists and red face as I read the news. Not healthy.
I left the Congregationalists at age 13. It was a lot of superstitious tradition. I watched the parishioners babble niceties and then go home to abuse their wives and kids.
I think we should be supportive of each other, protect our world and try to leave it a little better than we found it. Why did humans have to invent all this religious nonsense? Why not just employ some empathy and be nice to each other?
Perhaps it is just too frightening for humans to accept that this it. You are born, you live. Sometimes it is great. Sometimes it sucks. But then it is over! No more pain. Simple. Completely logical.
My story is similar to yours but I settled on Christian Humanist. I can't describe it beyond that. I like Thomas Paine's description of his beliefs: I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and in endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.